
The Top 10 Metal of 2010 - #7

Seeing as we're already in space we hop aboard the Discovery One to rendezvous with the Star Child at Saturn...

Martriden - Encounter the Monolith
Martriden are troupers. Being dumped from their previous label they did what any other reasonable musician would do - go ahead and record an album anyway.

Thus we have Encounter the Monolith, a curious and intriguing mixture of their uniquely pummeling blackened death metal, acoustic meanderings and Gojira style obliqueness, topped off with galactic sweeps of keyboards, bludgeoning guitars and gruff, acidic vocals. Inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, it does somewhat feel like an authentic yet abstract musical version of the book; alienating and wonderful yet somehow human and triumphant in its approach.

Made up of six lengthy songs - more like movements - it has an uninterruptable and trancendental flow to it, much like Green Carnation's Light of Day, Day of Darkness or Crimson by Edge of Sanity. Similarly, they have a penchant for writing complex jams and venturesome riffs that strengthen the integrity of the concept while upholding their renowned granite-like edge. If only all blackened death metal could be this down to earth and true to its black and death metal roots as well as this good at the same time!

The Top 10

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