Rock Sells Out?

Rock Sells Out?: Australian rock journalism – cultural creation, industry influence and electronic evolution

Rock Sells Out is the name of my industry research thesis (honors equivalent) submitted for the completion of my Master of Communication and Media studies degree from Monash University at Caulfield. The thesis received a distinction.

I maintained a diary throughout writing the thesis, exploring the issues within rock journalism and rock academia as well as personal trials and reflections.

Shepherded by Dr. Tony Moore, the thesis explores the history of rock journalism and criticism contextualizing it in the modern age, asking; is the rock journalism of today merely in the service of publicists?

The thesis charts the interplay between public relations and rock journalism, the technology that drives rock media and music while examining rock journalism as a field of cultural production. It also contains a short case study on "fan" journalism and its impact on Heavy Metal online journalism in Australia, one of the first ever scholarly examinations of this field.

It can be downloaded here.