Useful Resources

In many of my posts, I make references to books that have proven very useful in my personal development, studies and life learning. Here is a selected bibliography of my "go-to" books for enhancing my happiness and well being.

General Semantics
Hayakawa, S. I. Language in Thought and Action, (Harcourt Press: United States, 1991) 5th Ed. - Possibly the most useful, direct and uncomplicated introduction to GS that relates to language, psychology, media and culture.

Weinberg, H. Levels of Knowing and Existence, (Harper and Row: United States, 1959.) - More in-depth look at GS that expounds the basic theories and formulations as well as its relation to philosophy.

Chase, S. The Tyranny of Words, (Mariner Books: United States, 1938.) - The first popularization of General Semantics. Though dated, it has many relevant tracts to today's world.

Korzybski, A. Science and Sanity: An introduction to non-Aristotelian systems and General Semantics, (Institute of General Semantics: Dallas, TX, 1933) - The masterwork on GS containing all the original theories, frameworks and formulations

Drs. Ellis, A. and Harper, R. A. A Guide to Rational Living, (Wiltshire Book Co.: Chatsworth, CA, 1991) - The finest book to help correct irrational thinking and behaviors. Influenced by GS.

Watzlawick, P. The Situation is Hopeless, But Not Serious (W.W. Norton and Co.: California, USA, 1983) - A great guide to "unhappiness" from a radical constructivist perspective.

Fromm, E. The Fear of Freedom (Routledge: United Kingdom, 1942) - A sociological study of how humanity relates to the concept of freedom and how some have tried to "escape" from it.

Dr. Berne, E. The Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (Ballantine Books: New York, NY, 1964) - The handbook of transactional analysis. An exposition on how humans interact with one another from a psychological point of view.

Masculinity and Manhood
Dr. Glover, R., No More Mr. Nice Guy, (Running Press: United States, 2003) - The game changer for men leading lives of quiet desperation and suffering from the "Nice Guy Syndrome." A proven program for men who want the best out of their lives through becoming an "integrated male."

I am one of the leaders of the NMMNG Melbourne Chapter. We meet each month to discuss men's issues. New members are welcome.

Deida, D. The Way of the Superior Man, (Sounds True: United States, 2004) - A spiritual guide to masculinity, relating to women, sex, relationships and life - becoming a man with "spine and heart."

Biddulph, S. Manhood, (Vermillion: United Kingdom, 2004) - Another take on modern masculinity and an action plan for men who want to achieve a balanced masculine life.

Dr. Goldberg, H. The Hazards of Being Male: Surviving the myth of Masculine privilege (Signet Classics: United States, 1976) - The first "consciousness-raising" men's volume. Discusses the double binds and pressures of masculinity and the "self-hate" and "guilt" that may be associated with it. The forerunner to the aforementioned authors with a highly potent message.

Media, Media ecology and Communication
McLuhan, M. Understanding Media: the extensions of man, (Routledge: UK, 1964)

The first accessibly readable account of media and media ecology. Elucidates the biases of media, how they influence our thinking and interactions with the world.

Postman, N. Amusing Ourselves to Death, (Methuen: London, UK, 1987)
The founder of the Media Ecology Association Neil Postman's finest work. A polemic against the "dumbing down" of culture not through the vacuousness of content, but by the mediums of transmission and their inherent limitations. Must read.