
Thesis Diary #9: In at the Death

"What are we gonna do now?"
- The Clash - Clampdown

The past two days were spent at the Walkley Foundation Freelance Conference, learning how to be a freelance journalist; well, more or less. (More, rather than less.) It gave me a bit of a helicopter view of freelance journalism - and of all freelance writing really - and a bit of a confidence to pursue it now that I've got some skills in pitching (I got Jonathan Green's card!) business principles and other writing tips. 

But, as egotistical as I am, there's just no way I could drop my Masters knowledge on the world and make a whole ton of cash without being very fucking poor for at least 1-2 years unless I did something else as a primary source of income. (I think every freelancer there did something else before they became a freelance. Horticulturalist/Pharmacist/Architect + English skills = FREELANCE!) Is that such a bad idea? Well, I've got about one month to go: what exactly can I do? Apart from this?

1. Media consulting

You would not believe how many people at the conference asked me about social media when I said I did media consulting. They stood there, pens scribbling furiously on pads lapping up what I had to say about "providing value to your network" and "engaging in conversation." I felt like a massive wanker, but if someone wants to pay me $50/hr to tell them how, who am I to refuse?

2. Copywriting

I feel that copywriting is like "journalism-lite" - especially if its blog copy that requires a bit of research. I've been doing some online copywriting for a while, and a few odd corporate jobs. While I don't loathe it completely, it can pay a fair bit if I get some sustained and solid work.

3. Researching and news wire work
There's always researching - people need people that can find things out for them. Some of the firms and topics are painfully boring but then again, it's money. I also found out about doing precis writing for news wires, abstracting reports for "redeployment" elsewhere. See, these conferences aren't just full of bad catering, fragile egos and free booze after all!

4. Public relations and advertising

I don't think I have enough money to pay for the operation to have my soul removed, but it's always an option to get into at some stage. An optional option that's optional.

So the future isn't that bleak. I am determined to move forward with my career in the media even if climbing to the "peak of the pinnacle" may take a while.

I've also surmised that I'm going to run about 1-2K over my word limit for the thesis. Mostly waffling on about heavy metal. I'm a big metal fan, you know. My settings go up to eleven! (Sorry, I just had to.)

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