
Thesis Diary #2: Social media will ruin your life

It's almost true. Social media has opened my world up to so many wonderful and fortunate things. I'd never be writing for as many great websites and publications if it wasn't for social media. I'd never have met my last two girlfriends (one was an ex-fiance, believe it or not) if it wasn't for social media. I've met a lot of people on social media in person and it's enhanced my life in so many ways.

But it'll absolutely fucking murder you in your sleep. There's nothing that kills productivity quicker than ego-stroking at the lightning pace of 140 characters in under a second. I know about this, because I really am that egotistical. I'm not even ashamed of being egotistical. How egotistical is that? Fuck all the haters - self-indulgence feels good, so I do it! Though for the remainder of my entire life, I'm limiting myself to using it for no more than an hour or so a day.

Last week as I sat down to write, I thought to myself "Fuck it, I'll lurk Twitter for a little bit." I had two fucking screens going - one focused on bullshit the other on nothing in particular. My screen space was being twice as efficient at being as inefficient as possible. So I told my computer to go fuck itself and sat down to read some source material. One book I found quite enlightening if not self-absorbed is The Rebel Sell: How the counter-culture became the consumer culture and it basically pillories hipsters for being completely retarded - soon irony will be for the masses and they'll tear up their Pixies posters in audible, annoying rebellion.

How does this relate to rock journalism? Well, I'll figure that out later. It's what my tutor has suggested for me to do. So I'm doing it.

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